The event will be held at the Jackson Building.
6:00-11:00pm (This is a semi formal event.)
Due to the overwhelming support of the community, we will be holding another military ball on September 10th 2021. This event will help the Legion continue the restoration of the hall.
Location: Jackson Building
1146 W. Summit Street
Winterset, Iowa 50273
The Legion Ball will be from 5:00pm-10:30pm, official program will be announced thirty days prior to the event. The ball will include :
Ticket Prices:
$30.00 General Tickets
$20.00 Veterans/ Active Duty/First Responders
Meal Options:
We will have a chicken dinner
Dress Code for Active Duty/Veterans: You should come in formal dress uniforms for the ball. If no uniform is available semi formal is encouraged.
Sponsorship opportunities are available and welcome.
Sponsorship Levels:
Bronze ($100-$200)
Silver ($201-$300)
Gold ($301-500)
Platinum: $500+ (Eight free tickets & a reserved table)
Sponsors will be featured in the program. Sponsors will have a cut off date of March 10th to ensure they do not get missed in the program.
For more information please call 515-329-0029 or email @ americanlegionwintersetball@gmail.com
We are American Legion Post 184. The Post enjoys being a part of the community and look forward to seeing you.
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American Legion Post 184 (Green Rogers)
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